Thank you, I actually found a tech note about what I was trying to to. I guess it's called a NAT reflection or hairpin. Weird, I tried pulling up the doc again but it does not take me there any more. I've attached what is looks like though (the description)
Thank you. I'll look into that. The weird thing is it's only happening between 8:30-Noon. After that it's fine. And it's only a handful of users.
We tried the UDP solution for a few computers. It helped with some of the freezing for some. But this seems a bit different, like it's a slow down of RDP traffic. Everyone that is in the office doesn't feel it at all. Speed test are fine. I forgot to mention that when we do have this issue, even if I use logmein, that is…
we are running I am planning on upgrading to the current one this weekend.